If you are lazy I suggest pushing the button.
Hello Welcome to the official homepage of the starcraft clan DBD. We are a clan in which plays starcraft duh. Starcraft is a fun game and if you don't have it I suggest buying starcraft. It isn't expensive either. Well check out this starcraft site.
We are watching you!!!!!
NEWZ 4-28-99
Yes again this clan is alive we ain't going down that easy now for members we have a meeting oh what fun huh? Monday 3, 1999 ok people so thats this year so you can come the times are 9pm eastern, 8pm central, 7pm mountains, 6pm pacific. AND we expect all members to be there so you better go members before you make your new leader mad. The channel is d_bloody_d and oh yea some people wanted to know stralord's e-mail here it is [email protected] ok? Allright better see you there.
NEWZ 4-23-99
Yes yes its true the clan is still yet alive people. I have resigned as leader and promoted starlord_DBD to the rank of leader. There is a demand for devoted members so if you think you can be devoted to the clan then you are allowed to join if not I consider not even thinking about joinging.
NEWZ 4-16-99
More members have joined!!! Oh yeah members remember to e-mail me cuz i haven't got any e-mail from alot of you.
NEWZ 4-12-99
It has come to my attetion that some people aren't as loyal to the clan or devoted to the clan. All members of the DBD needs to send me an e-mail that they are still in the clan at [email protected] by 1 week which means on the April 19, 1999. If members fail to do this they will be kicked out of the clan. Thank you for your attention.
NEWZ 4-11-99
Well most of you people didn't show up at the meeting and I ain't happy bout it. Well we have a new co-leader Starlord_DBD. Ok? people. And i would like an e-mail from u people who didn't showed up with an excuse for not going to the meeting.
NEWZ 4-10-99
Yes, I know I haven't been updating the page. I'll try to concentrate on updating this page more often now since most of my projects and report are done. Theres a meeting tomorrow people so be ther OK? I'll see you members there. Later
NEWZ 4-3-99
Hey i added more members and more retards. Theres a meeting on sunday at 10 pm eastern 9 pm central 8pm mountain 7 pm paccific. At channel D_Bloody_D ok? We will be disscusing the new co-leader and other stuff. If you sent me an e-mail to be co-leader and i have choose you and your not at the meeting then i will choose someone else ok? so be there everyone!!!!
NEWZ 3-31-99
Hey I have added the allies and retards section up. I have also added new members to the clan.
NEWZ 3-28-99
Hey everyone!!! To all members i decided to open a co-leader position it is open for any member just e-mail me with reasons y u shuld be co-leader and what you can do for the clan and i'll look at it all and decide who shuld be the co-leader adn oh yea you have to be a active member. Send me the e-mail b4 4-10-99 thank you. My e-mail is [email protected]
NEWZ 3-27-99
I have just added the cheat section and link section so check it out. Meeting is tomorrow people. Just reminding you i don't mean to annoy u.
NEWZ 3-26-99
Hey I know it been a long time since i updated but i lost my internet connection for a while. Theres also going to be an othe meeting at 10 pm eastern 9 pm central 8pm mountain 7 pm paccific. At channel D_Bloody_D ok? I got a whole new seeting as you can notice if you been here before and i'll be adding more things soon as i can. Ane be there at the meeting ok members?
NEWZ 3-14-99
Hello everyone theres a meeting at 10 pm ea stern 9 pm central 8pm mountain 7 pm paccific . For the name of the meeting channel e-mail me at [email protected] . Thank you and I expect all members there Bye.
NEWZ 3-13-99
Hello I have just added mah stuff. I have a member page up the join up page up and other stuff. I will be adding more next week so c-ya.
NEWZ 3-10-99
Hello I have added some graphic to this page
This page is under construction as usual I wll
be providing forms so you can fill out to join
in a while. I update this page atleast once a
week so please cpme back for updates. Thank you
NEWZ 3-4-99
Our clan has been suffering from serious casualties
I Recomend coming back at a better time so book mark
this page ok. Thankz for your patients with us
Link Exchange